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Harrisburg - Junction City Youth Football and Cheer

Harrisburg - Junction City Youth Football and Cheer


What forms are required?

-Sports Physical form completed by a doctor. We have a form available that you can print and give to your doctor to complete. Physicals are good for 2 years. MUST BRING TO GEAR FIT OR UNIFORM FITTING

-Most recent report card. (Incoming kinders, please bring proof of kinder registration)

-Additional forms (code of conduct, contract etc are also required and will be available at gear fit/handout prior to each season)

My child does not attend a Junction City or Harrisburg school. Can they still play for the Jaguars?

-Yes...usually. If your child attends a LANE county school not within our boundaries (ex: Elmira) your child may be able to participate. Please complete the Hardship request form available in FORMS. Submit a letter of why you wish to play outside your child's school district and 2 pieces of mail showing your address. These forms must be signed by both association Presidents as well as the WVYFLC President. These forms must be complete and turned in with other required documents.

**This only applies to kids who attend a LANE county school. Kiddos that attend a school outside of Lane County (ie: Corvallis, Monroe, Lebanon etc) are not required to complete the hardship form.

We recently moved to Junction City, Harrisburg, Monroe etc. but my child's report card is from a different school district, do I need to complete the hardship form?

No. Please bring the report card and proof of enrollment in our area school.

My child is homeschooled and does not have a traditional report card. 

A progress report from the curriculum that is used is acceptable in this case. If you have questions, please email [email protected] PRIOR to gear hand out or uniform fitting.

What gear does my child need?

-Football players need a mouth guard and cleats. Mouth guards should not be clear  or plain white. They MUST attach to the face shield on the helmet. The league will provide helmets, shoulder pads and pants. You are welcome to provide your own helmet but it must be white and you must sign the helmet waiver. You are also welcome to provide your own pants so long as they are black and have all the proper padding. 

Cheerleaders will need a pair of clean, white athletic shoes for games. These should not be worn for practices. They will also need  a pair of black spandex "tumble" shorts to wear under their skirt. They may also wish to have black leggings for cold days.

What does my registration fee cover?

-Your fees cover rental of gear, personalized jersey, insurance and league fees.
-For our cheerleaders, your fee covers your game uniform (including bow), pom-poms, insurance and league fees.

When are practices?
-Practice schedules vary by coach. 

-Practices are generally 4-5 days per week at the start of the season, no more than 2 1/2 hours per day and no more than 10 hours per week. Once school starts practices are generally 3 days per week, 1 1/2-2 hours per day but no more than 6 hours per week.

-Players must complete 6 hours of conditioning practice before being allowed to practice in full pads. Helmets will be worn during the 6 hour conditioning period.

-Players must complete 10 hours of padded practice prior to being allowed to participate in any scrimmage, jamboree or game.

When are games?
-We are at the mercy of field and referee availability.

-Games for K/1, 2nd/3rd, 4th and 5th grades will typically be played on Sundays.
NOTE: There may be a weeknight game

-Games for 6th are typically played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays however, there may some Sunday games.

*Please Note the above information is subject to change based on coaching staff, field availability, officials, as well as League Changes*

I want to volunteer as a coach or team manager? What is required?
-Our league is run by volunteers!! We would love your help! Please email us to confirm that the position you wish to volunteer for is open. All volunteers must register on our website.

Every adult is required to complete an AAU background check. You MUST complete the entire online form, including information on your SSN. Once you are approved by our association to volunteer, you  must complete a back ground check. You will be provided the link and instructions to complete the check. Once your background is clear, you may email us the receipt and we will credit your registration account.

Additionally, coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete the USA Heads Up Football Certification (  as well as the Positive Coaching Alliance courses through AAU.
-ATLEAST one badged volunteer per team is required to be CPR certified. Please provide a copy of your certification. We have resources if you need to renew yours.
Cheer coaches must complete the PCA and the CDC Concussion certification. One volunteer must also be CPR certified.

Is Football/Cheer safe?
-Although there is always a risk of injury with any physical activity or sport, our coaches are well trained and certified in keeping your child safe on the field. We are parents too! HBJC and WVYFC practice heads-up coaching to minimize the potential of any head injuries.

I am struggling financially, can my child still participate?
-There are 2 potential scholarships available-please click on "Forms". Follow all instructions. These are NOT first come first serve-therefore, not guaranteed.

-We have an annual fundraiser which provides your player/cheerleader the opportunity to earn money to offset their registration fees.

-We may have coupons available to help with any gear you need.

-Payment plans are available to set up when you register on line.

-Do you know a local business owner? Often times businesses are able to sponsor a child!

-If your child qualifies for the free or reduced lunch program or other assistance, please talk to us. You may qualify for a discount.

-We will NEVER turn a child away due to financial struggles. Please let us know how we can help! You must contact the board, prior to the season start if you are in need of financial assistance. Please work with us and we will work with you. If you receive financial assistance from the league, you will be asked to participate in fundraisers to help give back when able.


Harrisburg - Junction City Youth Football and Cheer
1755 Ivy Street #157 
Junction City, Oregon 97448

Email: [email protected]

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